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Rogers Communications Notified of Minor Data Leak

Exploit: Data Breach, Misconfiguration
Company: Rogers Communication
Industry: Technology, Telecommunications
Source: https://www.itworldcanada.com/article/rogers-internal-passwords-and-source-code-found-open-on-github/426429

Canadian Telecommunications giant, Rogers, recently had sensitive data exposed on their GitHub developers platform. Cyber Security researchers informed UK cyber media outlet, The Register, after finding two open accounts exposing information which included: Application source code, internal user credentials and private keys.

Although the leaked data did not include customer details, security researches warned such information could be used to access more alluring information by thieves. However, officials from Rogers have stated that the leaked information could not lead to a further data breach as the information is outdated and their multi-layered infrastructure has yet to pick up any activity thus far.

More open folders were said to have been reported but Rogers took immediate action to take down the links and the information created by ex-employees.

The data leak looks to be contained and not categorized as a major incident. Thus far, no further damages or leaked information has resulted from the exposed data. We do not know how much the investigation or action has cost Rogers but what we do know is that this has drawn attention to Rogers’ data security and its reputation. Further consequences, if any, will be seen as time moves on.

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