Canadian Government Approves Cyber Security Certification for SMBs

The Canadian Federal Government recently launched a highly-anticipated program impacting small to medium-sized businesses and their current cyber posture. The program titled, CyberSecure Canada, encourages SMBs to bolster their basic cyber security efforts by establishing and defining a baseline for security standards. Organizations that wish to participate will prove to a certification body that they meet the approved minimum standards. Recognition for their compliance will be relayed in the use of an official CyberSecure Canada certification mark on their website

The initiative is one of the latest ways the Canadian Government is encouraging Canadian businesses to recognize the importance of protecting their digital business environment. As awareness of the government approved program grows, the sense of credibility and trust will rub off on organizations’ customers and other stakeholders, bolstering Canada’s e-commerce by driving a secure, modern Canadian Economy.


“The certification mark provides an easy way for customers, investors, partners and suppliers to know that a business has decreased their cyber risk.” - Government of Canada

Currently, the program is in its pilot phase and will need a boost from participating organizations to help promote it. Although the program is currently directed towards SMBs, not-for-profit and enterprise-sized companies are also eligible to participate. As parameters are further defined and certification becomes commonplace, the eventual goal will be to provide more resources to organizations, having them seek help before falling victim to a cyber attack.


Talk to a Cyber Security Expert

Cyberthreats are growing almost exponentially, and cybercriminals are actively targeting small/medium-sized businesses because these organizations do not have the internal awareness, expertise, or tools to protect themselves.

We created EnterProtect with the mission of mitigating the damages to organizations caused by cybercrime. Talk to a cyber security expert today and find out how we can help protect your business.


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