Hackers Victimize Healthcare Providers in Dual Hacking Breaches

Exploit: Hacking
Company: Simon Eye And US Vision
Industry: Healthcare, Optometry
Source: https://www.govinfosecurity.com/hacking-incidents-lead-to-2-big-eye-care-provider-breaches-a-17587


The US Department of Health and Human Services was recently made aware of two large scale data breaches that exposed tens of thousands of individuals’ personal and health information. The two cyber attacks are seemingly unrelated, however, both cyber attacks involve care providers.

On September 14 a hacking incident was reported by Simon Eye Management, which has affected an estimated 144,000 individuals. Details outlining the breach noted an unauthorized third-party accessing employee email accounts from May 12-18. There appeared to be a failed attempt at business email compromise when the hackers tried to defraud the organization by manipulating an invoice to initiate a wire transfer. Simon Eye has stated that compromised data may include names, medical history, treatment/diagnosis information, health insurance information and possibly Social Security numbers, financial information, and birth dates for a smaller number of individuals.

The breach reported on September 3 by US Vision, was stated to involve a hacked network server affecting 180,000 individuals. The statement mentions unauthorized access to the servers and systems took place between April 20 and May 17 of this year. An investigation is ongoing, but investigators have determined certain customer and employee data may have been viewed and/or stolen during the breach. Personal data such as names, eye care insurance information, and for some, addresses, birth dates and other PII may have been compromised.

While investigations for both incidents are underway, representatives from each company have said there is no evidence of any identity theft or fraudulent activity resulting from the breaches. It would be wise for any potentially customers and employees to remain vigilant and monitor their accounts or be wary of any individual attacks.

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