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400,000 Patients’ Information Compromised In Ransomware Attack

An estimated 400,000 patients of Planned Parenthood had their information compromised by cybercriminals in what looks to be a ransomware attack. A Planned Parenthood Los Angeles spokesperson stated unauthorized network access was gained between October 9 and 17 as an undisclosed number of files were exfiltrated and malicious software was deployed.

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NTPC Customers Facing “Financial Hardships” After Ransomware Attack

Investigations show that hackers successfully targeted the utilities corporation’s website and its IT systems in late April. After a six-week restoral process, the company is expecting “financial hardships” for their customers as they are left to figure out “reasonable payment plans” now that customers are left with a bill showing two months of services due. Customers are hoping this is the only suffering they will incur as NTPC has stated no personal or private information was accessed or compromised during the ransomware attack.

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Well Prepared Boyd Group Hit By Ransomware Attack

An internal notification system detected a ransomware attack on June 27th, causing the company to shut down some of its services. Many of the company’s offices were able to continue operations uninterrupted, however, some locations were temporarily disabled, causing them to lose sales during that period. Fortunately, the company previously established a ransomware response policy that dictated immediate actions and prevented the malware from spreading further into their network.

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Small Risk, High Costs After Ransomware hits CIRA Parking Garage

A ransomware attack was able to penetrate the system of the CIRA parking garage, allowing anyone to enter without security clearance and to essentially park for free. The attack lasted two days as systems were without backups and the entire system had to be restored. Operated by a private company, Precise ParkLink, CIRA said they have no knowledge of the cyber security measures at the parking company. Because the systems are not connected, the ransomware did not affect any of CIRA’s systems.

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