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Employees Seek Class Action Lawsuit After Info Stolen In Data Breach

A class action lawsuit has been proposed against US truck manufacturer, Navistar for a data breach that exposed current and former employee information. Victims are claiming the compromised data was a consequence of the company being negligent and reckless” with their attempts to properly safeguard sensitive data and implement sufficient security methods.

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Privacy Breach Could Affect 650K Canadians Using COVID-19 Passport App

Hundreds of thousands of registered users of the Canadian proof-of-vaccination app Portpass may have had their personal data exposed as the app’s website was left unsecured. According to CBC news, an anonymous tipster reported the problem to the news agency’s website, exposing the fact that Portpass had left all of the data unencrypted. This means that anyone could view the information in plain text.

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Hacktivist Group Anonymous Leaks 180GB of Far-Right Data

The legendary hacktivist group Anonymous made headlines this week, as they claimed to have stolen gigabytes of data from Epik, a domain name, web hosting and DNS provider for many politically, right-wing and extremist websites. The stolen data set of over 180GB containing “decade’s worth of data” was made available online as a torrent.

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Twin Ransomware Attacks Halt Business For Agriculture Industry

After double hacking breaches were reported in the healthcare industry earlier this week, another pair of cyber attacks were reported in the agricultural industry. New Cooperative and Crystal Valley Cooperative were both hit by ransomware attacks days apart. While the incidents have caused the two companies’ systems to be shut down, there could be even more significant disruptions to the US’s food supply chain.

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Hackers Infiltrate United Nations IT Networks

Stolen employee login credentials appear to be to blame for a data breach at the United Nations. Hackers used the stolen credentials to break into the UN’s computer network and steal sensitive data. Reports show that the hackers first accessed the UN’s systems in earlier this year in April as the intrusions continued over the span of several days.

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Hundreds of Job Applicants’ Data Exposed on Misconfigured Website

An unprotected directory on the anti-choice political action group, Texas Right to Life, exposed the personal information of hundreds of job applicants that were stored on their website. The group’s website was being used to store resumes of over 300 applicants and other files containing names, phone numbers, addresses, and personal employment history.

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Ransomware Attack Hits Community Bank

Last week, the California-based Pacific City Bank was hit by a ransomware attack. The AVOS Locker ransomware gang is claiming to have stolen sensitive documents from the financial institution as screenshots and a ZIP archive were recently added to gang’s leak site.

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Breach News Lee Vaniderstine Breach News Lee Vaniderstine

Thousands Affected By CRA Data Breach

The Canada Revenue Agency has temporarily shut down online services after a data breach involving two cyber attacks compromised thousands of accounts linked to their services. In a recent statement, the CRA noted that at least 5,500 accounts have been affected by the two incidents.

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